This ruler saved my sanity! When it came to finishing my binding by joining the two ends of the strips with a pretty & perfect miter, I couldn't make them look good no matter how hard I tried. My joins were far from pretty & perfect and to call it a miter was just wrong, not to mention how many times I sewed that seam in the wrong direction. Well, no more!! I have not had to un-sew one single join since I started using this tool and they have been perfect every time.

I have tried multiple tools and techniques and still I would struggle. The CutRite Bind Up tool has made it so simple, I wish I would have found it sooner!! It is super fast and simple, I mean if I can do it, You can do it. And best of all no math and almost no measuring! It works on all binding strip widths and it's fluroescent green color is easily seen on all fabrics. You can also use this tool to get perfect 45 degree joins for your binding strips.
I am selling this amazing tool for $10.00, plus $3.00 shipping fees.
Below are the instructions for this awesome tool.
Click here for the PDF version of the instructions.