A new favorite tool for me are the FriXion heat erasable pens. I don't know how quilters got by without these handy pens. These pens mark with a very fine line and as soon as you apply heat with an iron the marks disappear. I have been told that if you put your quilt in the freezer the marks may re-appear. I don't know about you but I do not store my quilts in the freezer, but I do understand the concern if you live in a very cold climate. I have never had the marks re-appear after washing weither it was cold or warm outside. But I will advise you to test your fabric to make sure that the marks disappear.

I have a limited supply of these clicker style pens in the colors above, (from left to right, black, navy, blue, red, purple, green and pink).
I am selling these pens for $2.50 each. Please email me for availability and shipping fees.